WPTV Reported: Inernational Peace Institu held event “Bringing Words to Life: How Are the SDGs Supporting Peace, Justice, and Inclusion?” at 777 United Nations Plaza.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development—and its crosscutting commitments to build peaceful, just, and inclusive societies—offers an unprecedented opportunity to strengthen and transform preventive action. However, the 2030 Agenda risks being seen as a disconnected policy framework that does not help those working for peace, justice, and inclusion at the national or local level to bring about meaningful change. Therefore, it is critical to showcase experiences from around the world that demonstrate the value of the 2030 Agenda in supporting existing initiatives and action to build inclusive and transparent institutions and expand access to justice at all levels.
Taking place during the 2018 High-Level Political Forum, this event seeks to showcase early successes in using these commitments—not only in Sustainable Development Goal 16 but across the agenda (SDG16+)—to foster peace, justice, and inclusion at the local and national level. Participants will also discuss how the UN and member states can learn from these experiences and better support those seeking to make the most of the 2030 Agenda to promote positive peace. The event format was encourage greater participation from all in attendance.

International Peace Institute "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" Forum

Moderator: Jimena Leiva Roesch, Research Fellow, International Peace Institute

Sandra Pellegrom, Head of Development, Humanitarian Affairs and Human Rights, Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Netherlands to the United Nations