会议会展管理系统证书真伪查询系统学历学位证真伪查询系统会议通知世界品牌组织框架图世界国际品牌发展委员会世界国际品牌大会委员会世界国际品牌大会品牌杂志社世界国际品牌报世界国际品牌广播电台总台世界国际品牌新闻中心世品委秘书处世品会执委会世品会会员国世品会会员企业世品会会员组织品牌大学教育管理局世界品牌之都管理局品牌证券交易管理局世界国际品牌博览事务管理局人力资源管理世界国际品牌博览会世界国际品牌标准发展委员会世界国际品牌标准审查委员会全球假伪标准治理委员会世界国际品牌假伪标准打击委员会关于世品组织产品构思与设计产品选材标准与检测产品技术科学与标准产品工艺与生产产品生产管理与检测产品质量检验与验收入库检验与标准产品出库与检验市场跟踪与检测产品安全与健康企业全面质量体系与管理产品品质标准体系与验收标准体系联合国世界国际品牌评价中心食品/农产品(保健品 休闲食品 饮料酒水 粮油农副品 乳制品 宠物饲料)水样(污水 废水 环境水样 日常用水 功能水样 涉水产品 检测项目)环境其他(土壤检测 环保检测 净化检测 环境监测)医药领域(药品 中药 药包材 医疗器械 临床实验)建筑工程(工程材料 专用材料 装饰材料 结构材料 建筑主体)金属材料(金相检测 成分分析 腐蚀实验 机械性能检测 失效分析 工艺评价 无损探伤 常见产品检测)高分子材料(橡胶 塑料 涂料 胶黏剂 纤维)化工产品(油品 化学助剂 农药 肥料 清洗剂 石油化工 电子化学品)固废/危废(垃圾固废 危险废物 城市固废 工业固废 医疗固废 农业固废)化妆品/护肤品(护肤类 发用类 化妆类 口腔类)香料调料(香料 调料 食品添加剂 酱料 配方破解)细菌/病毒/微生物生化/生物领域科学技术领域培训教育领域服务类(消费品、日用品、行政服务)交通运输类(含港口、码头、航空、轨道、陆地等)其他领域(消毒领域 汽车行业 矿石 纺织品 木材/家具 应急物资 电子电气)世界国际品牌产品检验检测中心世界品牌组织对品牌的基本定义世品组织对品牌的分类与分级 世品组织对品牌的评价、认证、确认与发布 世界国际品牌发展联合国纲要 世界世品组织对品牌的分类与分级世品组织对品牌的评价、认证、确认与发布世界国际品牌发展联合国纲要世界国际品牌大会联合国宣言世界国际品牌评价、认证、确认规则世界国际品牌认定与发布规则品牌科学概论全球真假品牌查询全球国际贸易品牌商品目录全球国际贸易品牌商品名录分支机构设立办法分支机构高官管理办法职业机会快速链接世品委总部美洲工作委员会欧洲工作委员会亚洲工作委员会非洲工作委员会全球假伪品牌新闻追责办公室全球假伪品牌商品追责办公室全球假伪品牌公布办公室东南亚假冒伪劣危机与恢复局企业工作委员会人类命运共同体委员会Wibeis数据采集中心Wibeis大数据监控中心欧洲美洲亚洲太平洋非洲地中海Wibeis评价评审委员会国际品牌贸易监督委员会国际品牌博览会展局人类健康安全委员会品牌检验检测委员会品牌商品评价评审评议委员会品牌商品评价监督委员会品牌科学学术委员会世界品牌大学联合国业务协调办公室世界国际品牌发布报告办公室Wibeis评价评估办公室国际标准部评价标准部标准评价部品牌科信部合作伙伴局发展政策局区域办事机构世界品牌组织框架图世界国际品牌发展委员会世界国际品牌大会委员会世界国际品牌大会联合国世界国际品牌评价中心品牌杂志社世界国际品牌报世界国际品牌广播电台总台世界国际品牌新闻中心世品委秘书处世品会执委会世品会会员国世品会会员企业世品会会员组织全球民调办公室世界国际品牌大学介绍世界国际品牌大学专业设置世界国际品牌大学课程建设学生成绩管理系统教师资格管理系统教师教学管理系统学生高考入学管理系统教学质量管理系统学习质量考试系统校长综合管理系统教务综合管理系统学生就业管理系统科学研究管理系统教育教学质量与毕业证、学位证世界品牌大学人力资源管理学历考试管理证书管理法务管理会议会展注册系统世界国际品牌大会批准文件美洲工作委员会欧洲工作委员会亚洲工作委员会非洲工作委员会分支机构国际管理人才招聘国际技术人才招聘国际法力人才招聘国际金融人才招聘人才招聘-国际公务员任命公示wibeis体系概况wibeis体系九大维度wibeis评价软件认证公示认证阶段认证流程认证条件世品委立法意见征集宪章法力认证结果评价真伪查询认证真伪查询获奖真伪查询品牌含金量真伪查询证书真伪查询其他真伪查询全球品牌真伪查询世品会获奖品牌名单已认证世界国际品牌商品名单已通过wibeis科学评价的各国世界国际品牌认证发布奖项公布奖项设置假伪品牌公示认证品牌名录发布委员会国际贸易品质品牌目录发布委员会奖项品牌名单发布委员会品牌奖项设置发布委员会世界级国际品质品牌500强发布委员会世界级国际品质品牌100强发布委员会中国品质品牌100强发布委员会美国品质品牌100强发布委员会欧洲品质品牌100强发布委员会亚洲品质品牌100强发布委员会美洲品质品牌100强发布委员会非洲品质品牌100强发布委员会第三届世界国际品牌大会世界国际品牌大会公告发布委员会世品社(世界国际品牌新闻通信社)联合国NGO/DPI新媒体世界国际品牌广播电视总台品牌杂志品牌报纸世界国际品牌网世界国际质量网国际品牌网国际质量网法新社路透社美联社俄新社新华社人民网华尔街纽约时报澳洲日报中东时报德国镜报意大利新闻报各国主流媒体汇世界品牌直播网wibeis评价wibeis评议评审实践检验市场反馈


World International Brand United Nations Development Program


United Nations Headquarters in New York,USA



目   录


前 言preface


The development situation and significance of global brand


World-class international brand building has become a new driving force for global economic development


World-class international brand building has become a new opportunity to reshape the competitive advantage of all countries


World-class international brand building will become a new way to enhance the governance capacity of governments

二、指导思想The guiding ideology

三、总体目标The overall goal


To build the world's international brand new brand, to form the global collaboration brand governance and promote the new model


Establish a stable and safe and efficient brand evaluation and operation mechanism


Build a new brand service system based on brand evaluation, brand certification, brand communication and brand formation


To form an innovative driving pattern of international brand culture


Cultivate high-end brand enterprises and develop new ecology of international brand industry

四、主要任务The main task


We will accelerate the openness and sharing of government brand information, promote integration of resources and improve global brand governance


Promote the development of quality brand innovation, cultivate new brand and help brand economy to form


Strengthen brand security, improve brand management level, promote brand healthy development

五、政策机制Policy mechanism


Improve global quality brand service and organization implementation mechanism


We will accelerate the construction of the UN brand system.  


Improve the development mechanism of brand market


Establish the United Nations brand standard system


We will increase financial support for financial brands. 


Strengthen the brand building professional personnel training


To promote international brand exchange and cooperation world wide



World International Brand United Nations Development Program


前   沿 preface


Brand building and formation is a long and historical process, which needs scientific research, scientific evaluation, scientific certification and wide dissemination. It is not the recognition of the brand, nor is it the name of the wide and informed or brand bright that the brand! He must go through a third party organization of the United Nations that has no political orientation and no interest link, through scientific, rigorous, strict, fair and impartial evaluation, screening and certification. Otherwise, commodities and products cannot be called brand names, but only as commodities!


Brand has always the essence and core, but also has an extremely rich extension and appearance. The World International Brand Congress stipulates that the brand determined by the essence of the brand is the true brand, and the brand determined by the denotation of the brand is the extension brand, that is, the fake brand.


1. The concept and definition of brand: brand is the unity of quality, quality and character, quality is the core of brand, character is the essence of brand, grade is the fixed force of brand, brand is organic unity of quality, quality and taste, Perfect fusion, the three can not be biased, not one can not! The name, trademark, tag and reputation of the goods are all part of the brand, but they are not the essence of the brand! Just from a certain point of view or aspect of the brand absolutely can not determine the brand!


2. The dimensions and elements of brand: whether a commodity is a brand should be measured and evaluated from nine dimensions of quality and character grade and more than 300 elements. Rather than from a certain point of view of the brand, certain elements can be determined! For example, material selection, standard, quality, process, service, credit, environment, quality, appearance, interior and so on.


3. Brand classification: now the society is basically the reputation of goods, brand name is called brand, this is the distortion and misunderstanding of the brand! Is also a conceptual mistake, so, caused many countries fake brand, fake brand. And has made fake and shoddy brands second only to drugs and the world's people's import and security of the second largest cancer! Therefore, the World Brand Conference Committee attaches great importance to the construction of global brands. Also is standardizing the brand work of the whole world country step by step.

关于品牌,可以从不同的角度进行分类:Brands can be classified from different perspectives:


(1) it can be divided into soft brand and hard brand according to the form of commodity, such as service, management, administration and so on, all belong to soft brand, such as software, hardware, industrial and agricultural products, material, machinery, military product, high technology and so on all belong to the hard brand.


(2) from the perspective of brand formation, it can be divided into brand research, brand evaluation, brand screening, brand certification, brand communication (also called brand promotion, brand propaganda), including brand management, brand strategy, brand planning, brand operation, Brand marketing). In fact, most people mistake brand communication as brand formation, brand building or brand building! A lot of international jokes! Even some governments and state media are constantly making silly jokes!


(3) it can be divided into brand science, brand production, brand evaluation and brand operation.


(4) from the inherent nature of brand, brand is not only scientific, but also economic, that is, the duality of brand. Can be divided into scientific brand and economic brand.


(5) divided into world-class international brand, world brand, international brand, intercontinental (regional) brand, national brand, provincial brand, industry brand, regional brand, manufacturer brand and so on.


(6) according to the classification of brand recognition, it can be divided into public brand (non-political, non-economic and scientific evaluation brand), self-brand (brand determined by governments), Enterprise's own notification brand and advertising brand and conference brand (famous brand). Spread through conferences and meetings)


Brand is both scientific and economical, and the brand is not economical before entering the business segment. The brand is economical when entering the business link. At present, the scientific nature of the brand is seriously neglected, and the majority of it focuses on the economic, politicization and interest of the brand, which greatly undermines the image and essence of the brand. To this end, the world conference on international brand on the world-class international brand concept gives a new definition of the world-class international brand evaluation system to give the new connotation and rules, the screening and evaluation of a world-class international brand, build, and created a new channel and platform formation, hope governments responded positively, social groups, organizations, enterprises, seriously implement, give full play to the window at the United Nations world conference on international brands and channels, evaluation system and rules, develop world-class international brands from country to country. For mankind peace, economic development, social progress, people's health make due contribution.


At present, although there are certain base global brand construction and development, has great market demand and development potential, but there are also political interests and economic interests of the serious problems, such as lack of top-level design and overall planning, evaluation and cultivation, the formation and propagation aspects and so on all have problem, need to be addressed.

According to the UN sustainable development target, eliminate poverty, disease, equality between men and women, sanitation, sharing resources, decent work, healthy living, responsible consumption, peace everywhere, the industrial system is perfect, all related to the rich high quality branded goods.


August 2018