We will speed up theconstruction and development of global commodity quality brands, So thathigh-quality brand goods through the world, Huitong the world, and jointly build and share is thefundamental purpose of the world international brand congress. The current, The global economy is facing various pressures, fakegoods everywhere, inferior products, fake branded products, fake brands,deceptive and other undesirable phenomena are harming the developing andunderdeveloped areas of people's lives, are polluting consumers in developedcountries, may further bring harm to people's health and happiness in the worldthis is worrying. Under the background of governments, non-governmentalorganizations, world class international brand enterprises should adhere to thequality first, the artisan spirit, adhere to the organic combination of brandmarketing and brand science and long-term development, adhere to thescientific, brand value and brand certification standard, fairness,impartiality and non political and non benefits, to to ensure that the world ofinternational brands of high quality, high quality and high grade, driven byglobal economic long-term development and common prosperity, as soon aspossible to promote the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. International platform makesinternational brand, international evaluation achievement international brand,international rules achievement international brand. 我们承诺: Weare committed to: —充分认识品质、品格、品位是品牌不可或缺的决定因素,并致力于世界级国际品牌建设与发展; To fullyunderstand the quality, character and taste is an indispensable determinant ofthe brand, and committed to the construction and development of world-classinternational brands. —建立健全wibeis(维拜斯)联合国品牌评价联动系统;Establish and improve wibeis theUnited Nations brand evaluation linkage system . —通过wibeis评价、筛选、认证透明化信息和清晰的标识,确保消费环境有利于品牌选择。 Through wibeis evaluation,screening, certification of transparent information and clear identification,ensure that the consumption environment is conducive to brand selection. —确保品质品牌建设政策透明度和人类社会问责制,提高社会参与度; Ensurequality brand building policy transparency and human society accountability,and increase social participation. —增强更好地应对跨国品牌问题的全球治理能力; Enhanceglobal governance capacity to better deal with transnational brand issues. —充分发掘传统品牌在促进品质和品牌可持续发展中日益增长的重要性。 To fully explore theimportance of traditional brands in promoting quality and brand sustainabledevelopment. —坚持以“人民品牌人民用”为核心,明确品牌服务方向,实现公平、公开最大化。 Adhereto the "people's brand, the people use" as the core, clear thedirection of brand services, to achieve fair and open maximum. —制订、实施和监测提高所有人品牌素养、贯穿于全世界整个科学体系、教育体系和品牌服务体系的策略; Develop, implement andmonitor strategies for improving the brand literacy of all people throughoutthe world, the education system and the brand service system. —通过发挥数字技术的潜力,增强公民对真品牌的认可和选择意识,以实际行动抵制假品牌。 By exertingthe potential of digital technology, we can enhance the recognition andselection of real brands by citizens, and resist fake brands with practicalactions. 我们呼吁,品牌在商业化前是科学的范畴,但当被确认后即就成为政治和经济的统一体,所以作为一项政治选择,我们将遏制损害品牌的行为,清除赋权的障碍——尤其是针对国家政治和利益的赋权。我们督促来自不同国家、部门、不同治理层面、以及私营部门和民间社会的领导者们,跟我们一起决心在所有可持续发展目标中促进商品品质品牌的健康稳步发展。 We call for, the brand beforecommercialization is a scientific category, but when is confirmed after becamea political and economic unity, so as a political choice, we will stop thebehavior of the damage to the brand, clear the obstacle of empowerment,especially against the interests of the country's political and empowerment. Weurge from different countries, different departments, management level, and theprivate sector and civil society leaders, and determined with us in thesustainable development goals of all promote the commodity quality brand ofhealthy and steady development. 品质品牌,共建共享。我们,作为大会的参与者,将以本宣言为鉴,承诺加大对品牌科学投资,以包容地、公平地进行品牌建设和终身服务为基础,促进联合国世界国际品牌大会可持续发展目标尽快实现。 Quality brand,co-construction and sharing. We,as the conference participants, will take this declaration for reference,promised to increase investment in science to brand, inclusive, equitable brandbuilding and lifelong service as the foundation, to promote the United Nationsinternational brand conference as soon as possible to achieve the goal ofsustainable development.
美国纽约联合国总部 United Nations Headquarters in New York,USA 2018年8月(二次修订) August 2018 |