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International Rule 3: What is an international conference? What are the levels of conferences?


What is an international conference? What is the World Conference?

The so-called international conference is mainly a multilateral gathering held by representatives of index countries (generally limited to 11 countries) and above to solve international issues of mutual concern and coordinate mutual interests, and seek or take common actions (such as passing resolutions, reaching agreements, signing treaties, etc.) on the basis of common discussion.Therefore, a real international conference should be a conference initiated or designated or approved by a global international organization representing the common interests and aspirations of the world, which represents the common will of the overwhelming majority of countries;Generally, those with more than 49 initiating countries and more than 99 participating countries belong to global international conferences; Those with more than 11 initiating countries and less than 49 participating countries belong to international conferences.

Governments or organizations of all countries are not qualified to organize or convene global international conferences, but they can make a request or request to organize or entrust international organizations that solve common problems of mankind to convene international conferences!

In fact, the international conferences that countries promote and entertain themselves are not really international conferences. However, two or more sovereign countries can hold corresponding bilateral international conferences to solve the two common longstanding aspirations, but they are not really international conferences, let alone involving the interests and powers of a third country.

International conferences are various and can be classified into many types. It can be divided into bilateral (such as the US Soviet Summit) or multilateral (such as the Asian African Conference) according to the number of participating countries;It can be divided into intergovernmental or non-governmental according to the representation of the participants; According to the scope of issues involved in the meeting, it can be divided into single topic and multiple topics;According to the initiation and authority of the conference, it can be divided into those convened by international organizations (authoritative) and those convened by non international organizations (non authoritative);In terms of the scope and geographical area covered by the organization and participating countries, it can also be divided into world international conferences or regional international conferences; According to the social and political system of participating countries, it can be divided into meetings of socialist countries or capitalist countries;According to the degree of economic development, it can be divided into meetings of developing countries or meetings of developed countries; According to the level of participating international organizations and the level of national representatives, it can be divided into summit, ministerial, ambassadorial and expert meetings.

International political conferences can be initiated by one country or jointly by several countries; It is also initiated by one country and several countries; However, a non political international conference cannot be initiated by only one country, but must be co sponsored by several countries (more than 11 or 49 countries) and organized or entrusted by a common international organization. Otherwise, it should not be called an international conference!Regardless of the form of launching, international conferences are always related to the development of certain international situations.In some cases, some national governments use the initiative to hold international conferences to seek to enhance international prestige and expand international influence, that is, self declared and self entertaining international conferences.Moreover, in order to achieve certain interests, some countries will use non political international conferences to achieve their political interests. Therefore, sometimes they are too enthusiastic about initiating the so-called international conference of a certain country. In fact, it is an international conference of self promotion and self entertainment, which tends to arouse suspicion and even disgust of other countries, and the results are counterproductive.

An international conference initiated by a country or an organizational unit to invite multiple countries to participate in it, but not approved by an international organization or a world organization, is not an international conference in the true sense.International conferences that are publicized by countries without the approval of international organizations or world organizations are all fake international conferences.

A country, organization or individual is not qualified to hold an international conference.

Therefore, a real world conference, an international conference, should be a conference with the support and consent of common international organizations all over the world!